The paradigm we operate in is a 24-hour clock set-up of tick, tick, tick which encompasses our lineal, mechanical and logical modes and our sense of reality thereof.
The new paradigm is "heart beat" thinking. We need to start to put forth in this new biological/ecosystemic self-organizing system .
Aspects of "Deep Ecosystemic Learning"
1) It cannot be a presentation style of teaching. It must be a talking through the heart or a talking to the "listening".
We move to inductive logic or thinking and away from deductive logic.
This will create room for new information in an empty space or vessel as
opposed to cramming information into an already full one.
Story telling via North American Indian shamanic style - open to magic
and spirit world, thereby creating wonder which in turn creates trust
and comfort in the unknown.
4) To embrace all things and to allow all things to be and to embody this by example and the information itself.
To create faith and love in the world around you to support you and to
embody this by example and the information itself. Further, to love and
support the "field" developing sensitivity and communication from the
field and to the field.
The "field" as resonance and patterns of resonance reveals information
of incoming events or parallel events The field as morphic resonance has
information on all things that happened and all thoughts.
Finally, the "field" as morphic resonance supported by our connection
to and in a living ecosystem allows us to access direct knowledge much
more readily. By way of our alignment with a high-order ecosystem,
particularly a man-created ecosystem, this access to direct knowledge
gives rise to vastly more creative thoughts and deeper and much faster
learning or instantaneous "whole learning".
This way of learning gives us clear understanding of our relationship
to all things and instantaneous relationship to new events without
separational judgement (or "fear"). We become powerfully centered.
thought or reflection can always take place naturally after "whole
learning" has occurred. We need to know that there is enough energy and
information in the field, to trigger abundant deductive, separational
rationalism and distinctions. A turn in this direction acts as a down
spiral (or entropy), that dissipates our energies until we become
we need to know how to enter a "down spiral", this "deductive
rationalism" and exit whenever we want to, to get from it what we need
and to get out instantaneously without such great sacrifice of energy as
what we normally have encountered.
need to visualize this as a jump into the ocean, submerging for a while
but being popped back up to the surface like a cork. We need to know
this to be so, instead of believing and creating the thought form - thus
reality, of drowning and out fear of the deep - the unknown.
reality is: "The deeper we dive the faster we pop up! via the
ecosystem." All things support us to do so! How was it we forgot?
- All of these blogs and more can be found at
- All of these blogs and more can be found at
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